Daily Sun apparently should be proud. That's because the Governor of East Java reward largest regional daily in East Java as a company that cares about the sport.
The decision to award this Solar Daily stipulated in East Java Governor Decree Number 188/480 / KPTS- / 013/2014 dated August 15, 2014.
The decision on granting awards to sports figures, coaches, athletes, local government district / city and sports care company in East Java in 2014.
In addition to Daily Sun, there are two other companies that also received awards related concern for the sport.
Both companies are PTPN XII Surabaya, and the Hotel Agro Batu.
The award was given directly East Java Governor, Soekarwo in the opening ceremony of Regional Student Sports Week (Popda) and National Sports Day (Haornas) in GOR Tri Dharma Gresik, Thursday (25/09/2014).
For Surya newspaper, received the award GM Vice Businness PT Antar Surya Media, Taufik Zuhdi.
While related awards received Daily Sun, Chairman of PWI Siwo Java, Sosiawan Arief said that there are 10 judges of the several elements, namely KONI East Java, East Java Dispora, Unesa and Siwo PWI viable company that can assess this award.
"We've been to the Surya newspaper office, and vote. We see, Surya deserves an award for this newspaper can often hold a bike or cycling event," he said.
Not only the company, East Java Governor also gave awards according to criteria, including two outstanding athletes, namely Nanda May Sholihah of Hidalgo Irvannaldy Kediri and Surabaya.
There are also five outstanding coaches that Prawoto of Jember, Karmani of Kediri, Nur Khamid of Tuban, Rishi Aji from Pacitan, and Rudi Hariyanto of Hove. (Sudharma adi / solar)
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